Designed With Cooks, Inspired by What Works

Refugee Camps

Big Stoves
A Whole Different Category
Refugee Camps, Transit Centers and IDP Camps consume enormous amounts of firewood. Unpredictable timing of conflicts results in strain on the environment in regions that are home to large refugee populations
Large schools account for a concentrated and consistent population of firewood consumers across the global south. Schools' firewood costs represent a large proportion of the schools’ budgets that could be better spent on achieving educational goals.
Prisons consume enormous amounts of firewood to operate their institutional feeding programs. Prison kitchens, by virtue their highly regimented operational procedures, are ideal candidates for large improved cookstoves .

Targeting The Largest Consumers
Our exclusive focus on the most concentrated firewood consumers minimizes the number of installations required to achieve a given environmental and societal impact. When compared to household stove interventions that target hundreds of thousands of households, the logistics, training and follow-up required to keep the stoves operating are simplified by orders of magnitude.
Focusing on large, well run institutions with solid administrators ensures accountability, adherence, uptake, and reporting of results.

Rapid Deployment
Ready to dispatch on one weeks notice, a trailer containing 40 units can deployed by road or air throughout Africa and beyond.
One Container Load
40' ISO Container
40 Units complete with saucepans

The forests of southwest Uganda are under ever-increasing pressure due to the fuel demands of the local communities. Reasonably priced firewood is becoming harder and harder to find. Illicit poaching jeopardizes the rare primates, such as the endangered mountain gorilla, in the national parks.

Virunga Stoves provide better value than other products on the institutional market. Tens of thousands of dollars are saved in fuel costs at institutions that use our stove.

VEW stoves eliminate smoke caused by the burning of biomass, reducing the levels of indoor air pollution.
Tested in the Field

Heavy Duty, Built To Last, Maximum Efficiency
Product Specifications
Weight: 256 kg
Persons Required to Install: 4
Thermal Efficiency: ~48%
Lifespan: 15-25 years
Insulator Specific Gravity: 0.2-0.4
Nominal Capacity: 300L
Sauce Pan Material: Aluminum
Sauce Pan Thickness: 6mm
Shell Material: Galvanized Steel 1.2mm - 3.3mm
Packing Volume per TEU: ~20 Units
Paint: Heat & Corrosion Resistant
Sub-Assemblies: 5
Working Parts: Cast Iron & Pumice Brick
Cast Iron Coating: Graphite powder coat
Trivet Material: High Tensile Steel, Ø = 20mm
Internal Coating: Refractory Cement, Fiber Reinforced

Harnessing the Power of the Rift Valley
Cast Iron, Local Stone, and Heavy Steel plates : An industrial appliance that can withstand the test of time

Tons of fuel Savings for decades
Heavy Duty Modular Parts Ensure the Stoves are Easy to Maintain

Heavy-Duty Stoves For Institutions